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Brand ID

+Client — GHOST
+Graphic Design & Mockups — Bojana Kikic of Mad Pepper Design
+Creative Direction — GHOST


How do you brand a new business that is meant to evolve and scale along with its many diverse clients? How do you create a logo that captures the complexity of the many different things we do while still being edgy and exciting? How do you appeal to Fortune 500s while also offering the small business owner a sort of golden ticket?

Thankfully we’re skilled at translating complex ideas and abstract concepts to just the right professional artists to execute. The branding for GHOST was one of the first opportunities we had to show off, and the first time we worked with one of our favorite design partners, Bojana Kikic.

Our goal was to create something ethereal but memorable. Impactful and energetic. A bit strange, but fascinating and familiar to peak curiosity. An icon that almost seems to stare back at you as you look at it. Something that draws from the ancient but feels futuristic.

Incorporating aspects of alchemy and magick, art deco, sacred geometry, futurism, and corporate business appeal in a state of harmony and balance is no easy feat — but our specialty is bringing special forces together to make magic in ways that most can’t see. Bojana truly knocked it out of the park for us and we are eternally thankful for the identity she designed for us; and she or one of our other brilliant design partners can do the same for your brand.

If you think it’s pretty badass now, just know that we’re just getting started.

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